Guinness Reindeer

Guinness Reindeer


Aren’t those Reindeer the cutest things?

Not a recipe today, but if you need an idea for a last minute gift here is one for you.

I love Guinness, but you can substitute any long neck beer you like or root beer for the non-drinkers on your list.

So, go get a bunch of these.

And make these.

Guinness Reindeer

Guinness Reindeer


Six-pack(s) of Guinness
Brown pipe cleaners
Googly eyes
Red mini pom poms
Hot glue gun or Gorilla Glue


1. Wrap one pipe cleaner around top of bottle. Cut another pipe cleaner into 2 inch segments and twist on to create antlers.

2. Glue on eyes and nose.

That’s it.

Idea from Life Of A Modern Mom

Guinness Reindeer
Guinness Reindeer

I’m a bit anti-Christmas music. I can only take so much.

But, I love me a bit of Lambchop. Especially singing about The Man Who Loved Beer.

This song is flat out gorgeous…and sad.

“To whom can I speak today
the gentleness has perished
and the violent man has come down on everyone”

Lambchop-The Man Who Loved Beer

Check out Lambchop on the band’s Website. They have been around for over 20 years and have so much good stuff out there. You can buy their music here.


About I Sing In The Kitchen

Music obsessed cooking freak whipping up fab food one song at at time.
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