Mrs. Shirley Temple Cocktail. New Music From Rhinos Are People Too.

Mrs. Shirley Temple Cocktail

Time to celebrate!

I’ve got a new computer.


My old computer was a real work horse, but after 6.5 years of overuse it could hardly perform basic tasks on its antiquated (and not updatable) operating system.

How about a celebratory drink?

This grown up Shirley Temple is cheerful and refreshing and makes me smile…like my computer.

So here is a toast to my nifty machine and especially to all of you that spend time virtual time with me. x

Mrs. Shirley Temple Cocktail


2 cups crushed ice
1 cup grenadine
2/3 cup vodka
1/4 cup fresh lemon juice
1/2 cup club soda
6 maraschino cherries
2 lemon slices


1. Divide ice between 2 tall glasses.

2. In a cocktail shaker, shake grenadine, vodka and juice. Pour into glasses and top with soda.

3. Garnish with cherries and lemon slices.

Serves 2

Recipe from Every Day With Rachael Ray Magazine

Some smooth, guitar heavy shoegaze would be just the thing to kick back to.

Belgian band Rhinos Are People Too have a new EP out. “Pelkuri” (wuss? chicken? coward?) closes out the four song disk.

“Don’t you drown
in my ocean of emptiness”

Check out Rhinos Are People Too on the band’s Website where they are offering up their EP as a free download.
