Short And Sweet. Homemade Magic Shell/Crackly Ice Cream Topping.

Two ingredients. That’s it.

Pour the topping over your favorite ice cream and it sets into a crisp, chocolate shell. It’s really good. Really.

Crackly Ice Cream Topping


1 tablespoon coconut oil
8 ounces semisweet chocolate, chopped


1. In a double boiler, or a medium heatproof bowl set over (not in) a saucepan of simmering water, melt the coconut oil. Add the chocolate and stir until melted and smooth. (I did this in the microwave and it worked like a dream).

2. Cool slightly before spooning over ice cream. (You can easily save leftovers and microwave for a few seconds to liquefy again).

Recipe from Real Simple Magazine

Here is a short song.
A Classic Education-What My Life Could Have Been

And a sweet song.
The (Future) King Of Scotland-You Are All

Buy A Classic Education’s music on their website.

Remember this post where I described my love of beautiful music packaging? Well check out The (Future) King Of Scotland’s ‘The Complicated Honest Truth’. Pretty cool, huh? You can link there to buy the music.
