Salted Butter And Radish Toast. Beautiful New Song From The Glorious.


So, you are thinking, how is it I stop by here yesterday and there is this over the top Momofuku Milk Bar cake and today it’s just toast?

Sure, the cake was not just any everyday cake, but this Salted Butter And Radish Toast is not your average toast. Radish on toast, while very simple, is a lovely combination of textures and flavors. Rich creamy butter, bitter crunchy radishes, peppery arugula, and a sprinkling of salt come together for the toastest with the mostest.

Salted Butter And Radish Toast


Thick slice of toasted country bread
Butter (splurge on some high quality butter for extra special toast)
Sliced radishes
Arugula leaves
Coarse salt


1. Thickly coat toast with butter.

2. Top with radishes, arugula and a sprinkle of salt.

Ready to start the week off with a beautiful song to go along with your toast?

“I Wake Up”, from Melbourne’s The Glorious’ upcoming album ‘Falcon’, gives me goosebumps from the get go. “Tell me”, “Help me”, the piano, David Mather’s emotional vocals. This song. Wow.

Check out The Glorious on the band’s Website where you can learn of an upcoming album launch gig in Australia and buy their music.
