Sriracha Butter Sauce. Fab New Music From Honeyblood.

Sriracha Butter Sauce

That would wake one up!

I saw a picture in a magazine of a burger dripping with Sriracha Butter Sauce and immediately knew I had to make some for myself.

The sauce couldn’t be simpler to make. Just melt some butter and blend it up with the garlicky Sriracha, some lime juice and a dash of salt and sugar. It is velvety smooth and packed with flavor.

I served the Sriracha Butter Sauce with grilled cheeseburgers in pretzel buns and that dinner was one of the best I have had. I’ve since reheated the leftover butter and served it with corn on the cob, fries, in an omelet, spooned over steamed vegetables and drizzled over mac and cheese. All delicious. It’s a terrific condiment to keep on hand.

Sriracha Butter Sauce


1 cup butter
1 cup Sriracha
Juice of 1 lime
1 tsp salt
½ tsp sugar


1. In a saucepan, melt butter over low heat.

2. In a blender or food processor, combine Sriracha, lime juice, salt and sugar. Blend 1 minute, slowly adding the melted butter.

3. Store in an airtight container in the refrigerator up to 1 month.

Recipe from

Start the week off with this brand new corker of a song from Honeyblood.

“I’d rather be anywhere but here”….who hasn’t uttered those words once or a million times?

Check out Honeyblood on the band’s Website, where you can learn of upcoming gigs in the UK and US and buy their music. The new album is due out on July 14th.
