Mint Lemonade. Kicking Back To Retro Stefson.

Mint Lemonade

Q: Why did the lemon disapprove of his daughter?

A: Because she was a little tart.

Here’s a thirst quenching, refreshing lemonade that stars mint. It makes you want to climb onto a porch swing and kick back for awhile. Add some vodka to improve your kick.

Mint Lemonade
Mint Lemonade


2 cups sugar
6 cups water
2 cups freshly squeezed lemon juice
1/2 cup fresh whole mint leaves


1. Make simple syrup: Combine sugar and 2 cups water in a saucepan and bring to a boil. Stir until sugar is dissolved. Let cool.

2. Pour lemon juice and remaining 4 cups water into a large pitcher. Add 1 cup of the simple syrup and taste. Gradually add more simple syrup to reach desired sweetness. Stir in mint leaves and refrigerate for 1 hour. Serve over ice.

Makes about 2 quarts
Mint Lemonade

How about kicking back to a funky little tune from Iceland’s Retro Stefson?

Check out Retro Stefson on the band’s Website, where you can learn upcoming European tour dates and buy their music.


About I Sing In The Kitchen

Music obsessed cooking freak whipping up fab food one song at at time.
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