Spag Dog…or Silly Frankfurters And Spaghetti In Mustard Cheese Sauce

I saw a man at the beach yelling “Help, shark! Help!” I just laughed, I knew that shark wasn’t going to help him.

That’s pretty silly…and funny.

These frankfurters poked with spaghetti, or Spag Dogs, as I call them are pretty silly.

I saw a photo on Pinterest and knew I had to try these franks speared with spaghetti.

They reminded me of that old Play-Doh Barber Shop Toy.

Whether you stick the spaghetti in the sides or through the center, the hot dogs look crazy silly.

They tasted crazy good with a cheese sauce heavily flavored with mustard.

Spag Dog


Cheese Mustard Sauce (recipe follows)

Note: To serve 6, I used an 8 pack of frankfurters and about 3/4 pound of spaghetti. The Cheese Sauce recipe makes enough for this amount.


1. Cut frankfurters into thirds. Break spaghetti in half or thirds.

2. Poke spaghetti through frankfurter pieces.

3. Boil the spag dogs according to package directions for the spaghetti.

4. Serve with mustard cheese sauce.

Mustard Cheese Sauce

Ingredients for Mustard Cheese Sauce:

2 oz butter
2 oz (1/3 cup) flour
300 ml milk
4 oz cheddar cheese, shredded
2 Tbs mustard


1. Melt the butter and cook the flour in it for 2 minutes over low heat to create a roux, stirring occasionally.

2. Whisk milk into the roux and cook until it thickens. Add the grated cheese and mustard. Season with salt and freshly ground pepper.

Silly songs?

Oh, why not.

This tune comes to mind. I couldn’t stand it the first few times I heard it, but in its silliness it completely won me over.
The Lovely Eggs-Don't Look At Me (I Don't Like It)

Yep, this is pretty silly.

Oooh! What about this song? Silly and kind of crazy.
Betty Johnson-The Little Blue Man

Check out The Lovely Eggs on their colorful and fun Website. You can buy their music there.

Pick up Betty Johnson’s music here. You can learn more about her on this Website.
